Church Life

Join us! Experience the love of God in person or online.

Service Times (Saturdays)

Sabbath School: 10:00 AM (In Person and ZOOM)
Worship Service: 11:30 AM (In Person and Online)

Service Times (Wednesdays)

Mid-day Prayer Meeting: 12:00 PM (Dial-in Only)
Hour of Power: 7:00 PM (Zoom Only)


Ministry is using whatever God has given you to serve Him and the needs of others.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)

We believe that God has given every Christian: SHAPE


Spiritual gifts that are given for the express purpose of serving others.


Heart motivations that influence the choices we make and the feelings we have.


Abilities that empower our service and affirm our choice of ministry areas.


Personalities that lend themselves to diverse opportunities.


Experiences, whether spiritual, educational, or those born of pain, that compel us toward ministry.

Community Services

We embrace the needs of the surrounding communities as a source for supplies in the case of local and national disasters locally, and have members trained in disaster and emergency care. We further support our community with a Thrift Shop, a Food Bank Program, and as an outlet for the Salvation Army.

Leader: Inell Carr


This ministry promotes educational studies, educational scholarships, grants, and funds.

Elizabeth Norris-LaPointe & Margaret Simpson

Health & Temperance

The Health & Temperance Ministry is an integral part of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Adventists believe the key to wellness lies in a life of balance and temperance. This ministry helps people to reach their full mental, spiritual, and physical potential though education, health screenings and health seminars.

Leader: Dr. Sybil Cross


This ministry desires to provide opportunities for relationship, education, and service in areas that facilitate spiritual growth.

Leader: Elder Andrè Blake


By inspiring an atmosphere to know Christ and to make Christ known, we exist to praise God and spread the good news of Jesus Christ through music and evangelism.

Leader: Diana Andrews, Minister of Music


Our Pathfinder club is a church-centered recreational and spiritual program designed for both boys and girls, grades 4 through 12. The program offers action, adventure, challenge and group activities that produce team spirit and loyalty to the church. We are dedicated to meeting the social, physical, mental, and spiritual development needs of junior and teen youth by challenging the Pathfinders to experience a personal relationship with Christ, having a sense of achievement and responsibility, and developing respect for God’s creation, including his fellowman.

Leaders: Elihu McMahon, II and Abbigale McMahon


Growth group bible studies

Leader: Elder Elias Mercado

Platinum Club

This ministry strengthens, encourages, empowers and nurtures our senior citizens through fun activities and fellowship.

Leader: Irene Dickerson


Through our youth program “AMPed” (Ambassadors of the Masters Plan) the ministry encourages our youth to surrender, grow and mature in their walk with Christ. This ministry is open for ages 12 to 18.

Leaders: Jongnic Bontemps “JB” and Charisse Bontemps

Young Adults

This ministry targets Young adults between the ages of 18 & 35.

Leaders: Jongnic Bontemps “JB” and Charisse Bontemps


“SHE” = Spiritually His & Empowered. A confident woman is one who walks in faith, knowing she is a holy, chosen, redeemed, dearly loved child of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, equipped by her Maker, and enveloped in Jesus Christ. This ministry is a fellowship of women that exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge women though fellowship, sharing and support for one another.

Leaders: Tana Bakewell and Judy Williams
